Attention-deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are related disorders where the person affected has a difficult time staying focused on a singular task. While they are most commonly diagnosed in childhood, the symptoms can occur throughout adulthood.
These disorders can affect every aspect of a person’s life, making it difficult to succeed in school or work, or causing problematic behaviors in relationships. This can lower a person’s confidence in their abilities and affect their mental, emotional, and social well being. Counseling can offer the skills to overcome the challenges of this disorder as well as assist in using the perceived obstacles to the advantage of the client. Focusing on time management, organization, and self-discipline, counseling can help a person succeed in the areas of their lives affected by this disorder. Depending on a person’s needs and abilities, counseling will be individualized to fit those specific needs. Additionally, group counseling is also available for school-age children and teens. As counselors, we aren't going to immediately tell you that you need medication to fix the problem. However, we recognize that some individuals do benefit from medication to manage mental health needs and we can help to monitor medications. If at any time, concerns become so great that we feel medication would be helpful, we can help you through that process. |
For counseling/therapy for ADD/ADHD in the O'fallon/Dardenne Prairie area, call us today for an appointment.